Домой Gamezone Octopath Traveler 2: Partitio Chapter Four Walkthrough

    Octopath Traveler 2: Partitio Chapter Four Walkthrough


    Partitio has made good on his end of the bargain. Eighty billion leaves, all for Mr. Roque. All for the steam engine – to bring prosperity to the masses, rather than horde something wonderful to get filthy rich at any cost. As Octopath Traveler 2‘s merchant tale comes to a sweeping finish, will Roque step aside gracefully?

    Come on, what do you think? Partitio’s greatest challenge no doubt lies ahead of him on this bustling island nation under his former mentor’s command. We’ll help you prove the value of human decency (and good old-fashioned knuckle-drivin’) in this thrilling last chapter.

    Town Phase: Roque Island

    To reach Roque Island, you’ll need the use of Partitio’s boat, the Grand Terry. Stands to reason, we suppose, given it’s an island. You’ll find it west of Toto’haru.

    Surprisingly, there are random encounters all the way up to the city’s gates. This includes the massive wall overlooking the city, filled with folks going about their day. Come prepared for danger level 45 fights for several minutes before you reach Roque Island’s inner area.

    Upon arrival at the city proper, head north to trigger a cutscene. Mr. Roque will be having himself quite a speech within moments. Too bad Partitio can’t get in. And yet! It’s everyone’s favorite scrivener, Ori, to the rescue. Follow Ori south, following the marker to the tavern. Ori automatically clears a path – it’s showtime.

    Dungeon Phase: Roque Factory

    Ori Octopath Traveler 2

    Moments into this, the West Tower, Ori will go ahead and distract some guards, letting Partitio (and friends) move forward. We’ll be intercutting with scenes of Mr. Roque’s speech as we traverse the factory. It feels, of all things, a little bit like the beginning of Metal Gear Solid 2? Except, you know, ten times funnier.

    The factory is mostly as straightforward as your average Octopath dungeon, which is to say, entirely so. When you reach an intersection on the catwalk, go all the way south first for the treasure chest, then head east.

    When you reach the paths between buildings, Roque’s speech will continue to play out; you will miss some of it if you rush ahead. Feel free to stick around for each segment in full if you care to hear his stuff.

    Roque Island Factory Octopath 2

    In time, you’ll reach a zone with plenty of bookshelves and doors. Several doors contain nothing at all, but others have treasures of varying degree of decency. If you’ve got the healing for it, there’s no harm in poking around everywhere. Some items, like Aged Wine and Refreshing Jam, are useful but no huge deal – others, like the bow in the below screen, are quite handy if you haven’t been scouring Solistia’s optional dungeons for superior fare.

    Heck, even if you have, you might have somebody whose secondary job involves access to bows and finds this to be a nice upgrade. Check it out.

    Roque Island Factory 2 Octopath 2

    When you reach the outdoors, take a moment to heal, so you don’t forget later. Note that the guard standing by the gate can’t be interacted with in any way – not exactly an impressive hire there, Mr. Roque. The plot reaches its climax now, as Partitio proves he intends to make good on his end of the deal. Roque’s slippery antics aren’t working out too hot here.

    Alrond Octopath Traveler 2 Ship Arrival

    Once you’ve been given the prompt, head forward and make this deal with Partitio’s greatest path action moment. Check out how the 80,000,000,000 leaves realistically add your current total for the moment. That’s some deep attention to detail.

    Unsurprisingly, things don’t go as planned. Roque’s trapped between his own claims and a hard place. Final boss time.

    80 Billion Leaves Octopath Traveler 2

    Boss Phase: Steam Tank Obsidian

    Partitio Final Boss Octopath 2

    Octopath Traveler 2 has some pretty cool bosses. This is one of our favorites. A trio of parts protect the boss’ shielded main area, and each is capable of its own onslaught. Our advice is to target each of these in turn with all you’ve got rather than wasting time spreading damage. You aren’t dealing with any timers, like some other boss fights, but you will slowly exhaust your resources.

    Consider targeting the Cannon, then the Glacis, then the Smokestack. The more quickly you handle each part in turn, the fewer times the boss can attack at once, too – there’s really no good reason to approach this any other way. Given the number of targets, we’ve turned our weakness coverage into a table:



    Shield Points

    Steam Tank Obsidian (Main Boss)

    Polearms, Bows, Darkness



    Daggers, Swords, Bows, Lightning, Ice


    Glacis Plate

    Swords, Axes, Staves, Ice, Fire



    Daggers, Polearms, Axes, Lightning, Fire


    Partitio Final Boss Octopath 2 2

    As you can see per the table above, the Steam Tank’s weaknesses are fairly diverse. There’s no quick cure-all here. If you have multi-target attacks that tap into one or more weaknesses for high damage when BP-boosted, feel free to hammer away in this fashion as well; it all adds up. Just single-target the parts one at a time, preferably in our order if possible.

    Save up your BP and latent powers to hit the Steam Tank Obsidian hard when it gets shattered. It can gradually heal up the other parts, which will give its own Shield Points a huge boost again and once more prevent it from being weakened. Note that it’s not the end of the world if this happens – it’s simply back to square one, albeit after having done presumably a decent bit of damage to Obsidian before the swap.

    Roque Octopath Traveler 2

    Partitio’s ending is appropriately heartfelt. Three cheers to Parti, as Ochette calls our hometown hero. His story isn’t entirely over yet – there’s the final chapter, after all! But that won’t come until all your other travelers’ tales are completed, so if you’ve got a bunch more ahead of you, keep on keepin’ on with our guides, partner. You’ll get there in good time.

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